Rental rates


Accommodation at St Edmund’s is divided into Grades. Each Grade is priced at its own daily rate. Assessments of rooms are made on an individual basis, so that rooms with shared characteristics across the whole College are grouped together into the same Grade. The information provided for each Grade is based on a ‘typical’ average bedroom within that Grade. Please be aware that discrepancies can still exist because of the College’s varying facilities, age of buildings and the number of different residential areas on site.

All rooms in college are graded from 1 to 17 with Grade 1 being the lowest rent. In general, grade 1 rooms are smaller and situated in the older buildings whilst those in grade 6 and above are larger, have en-suite facilities and are situated in the newer buildings.


Rents in the 2025-26 academic year for undergraduates and postgraduates relating to the various types of accommodation available, are shown in the following file:

Rent 2025-26 (pdf)

Rents in the 2024-25 academic year for undergraduates and postgraduates relating to the various types of accommodation available, are shown in the following file:

Rent 2024-25 (pdf)


Caution Money (Deposit)

Caution Money is a deposit held against possible damage or loss to decorations, fabrics and furnishings for those living in College accommodation. It is charged at the beginning of the license period and is currently £600. Caution money is returned at the end of the license, if the accommodation is left in a satisfactory condition and if a form is completed by the student.

Caution Money cannot be returned if a form is not completed.


If you want to learn more about accommodation, please follow the link below to find the Accommodation Handbook:

Accommodation Handbook 2024-25