Dr Sarah Steele
Dr Sarah Steele FRSA FHEA is a Senior Research Associate at Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge. She works from the position that the social determinants of health matter, and transboundary understandings of these determinants are critical to building better, more equal, futures.
Sarah’s work draws on her training in law, public policy, gender studies, sociology, and global health governance, exploring issues like the commercial determinants of health, the emergence of commercial breast milk sale, and modern slavery. She looks to interventions from the individual to the international levels, driving forward developments in professional training programmes all the way through to making internationally relevant recommendations for addressing critical issues set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.
As a result of her work to date, Sarah has been published extensively and been featured on television and radio internationally, including appearing with a then-Mr Universe talking about her research. More recently, she has had the opportunity to advise the Home Office in its upcoming 2022 campaign on Violence Against Women and Girls. She has also led international training modules on addressing gender-based violence and harassment on edX.
Having held posts at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Oxford, amongst other institutions in the UK, USA and Australia, Sarah is an experienced lecturer and researcher, while also offering consulting and workshops as an active bystander training facilitator.