Dr Michael Robson
Michael J.P.Robson, BA, Ph.D. (Cantab), Fellow, Dean of Chapel (1992-2011 as a member of the Friars Minor Conventual), Admissions Tutor for Undergraduates (1996-2002 and 2011-13), Tutor (2007-13), Director of Studies in Theology and Religious Studies (1996-2013) and Praelector (from 2003-15). He has been an Emeritus Fellow since 2013. He read Theology at the University of Kent in Canterbury (1974-77) and obtained a Ph.D. in the Faculty of Divinity as a member of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (1983-85). He was a lector at the Franciscan Study Centre, Canterbury, and an honorary lecturer at the University of Kent (1986-92). He obtained a dispensation from the priesthood and religious life in 2020. He was appointed socio esterno o aggregato of the Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, Rome, on 29 December 1988 and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society from September 1999. He has assessed book proposals submitted to Cambridge University Press, Brill and Oxford University Press. He has supervised undergraduates, marked M.Phil. questions and examined dissertations and Ph.Ds in Cambridge and elsewhere. He was elected as an honorary visiting fellow in the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, for 1999-2000.
Membership of historical & theological societies 2018, 14 April:
1988, 29 December: Appointed socio esterno o aggregato of the Istituto storico dei Cappuccini in Rome on the recommendation of Revd.Dr. Servus Gieben, OFM. Cap.
1992, 1 October: elected a Fellow (Class A) of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, until 30 September 2013 and thereafter as an Emeritus Fellow.
1999, September: elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, resigned 2011.
1999/2000: Honorary Visiting Fellow in the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research at the University of York.
2004, 29 November: appointed as Associate Editor of Franciscan Studies, St Bonaventure’s University, New York.
2009, March: appointed as a member of the Conseil International of Revue d’histoire ecclésiatique, Leuven, for five years.
2011, October: appointed a member of the Comitato scientifico of Il Santo: rivista francescana di storia dottrina arte, Padua
2012, November: appointed a member of the Comitato scientifico of Frate Francesco, rivista di cultura francescana, Rome
2012, October: appointed to the scientific committee of Studii Franciscane: Revista Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan Roman, Romania.
2013, 1 October: elected emeritus Fellow of St Edmund’s College.
2017, 15 December: co-opted as a Socio ordinario of Società Internazionale di Studi Francescani in Assisi.
2018, 6 February: nominated for the editorial board of Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, Rome.
Unpublished doctoral thesis
Saint Anselm’s Influence upon Saint Bonaventure’s Theology of Redemption, Dissertation for a Ph.D., Cambridge University, approved 15 November 1988. Unpublished thesis, BLDSC number: D60255.
St Francis of Assisi: The Legend and the Life, Geoffrey Chapman, Cassell (London, 1997). ISBN 0225667363, Paperback published in 1999, ISBN 0-225-66736-3. Reprinted by Continuum in 2002, ISBN 0826465080.
The Franciscans in the Medieval Custody of York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, Borthwick Papers, 93 (York, 1997), pp. 1-40, ISSN 0524-0913. An Ebook.
The Franciscans in the Middle Ages (Monastic Orders, general editor, Janet Burton), Boydell and Brewer (Woodbridge, 2006), pp. i-xiv, 1-239, ISBN 1-84383-221-6. Paperback printed in 2009, ISBN 9781 843835158. An eBook from November 2011.
The Greyfriars of England (1224-1539): collected papers, Centro Studi Antoniani, 49 (Padua, 2012), pp. vii-xiv, 1-400. ISBN 978-88-85155-90-9. An Ebook from 2012.
A Biographical Register of the Franciscans in the custody of York, c.1229-1539, The Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society, Record Series, 156 (Woodbridge, 2019), pp. ii-xviii, 1-307. ISBN 978-0-9932383-9-0. An e-book.
Edited volumes
The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi, ed.M.J.P.Robson, Cambridge Companions to Religion, Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge, 2012), ISBN 978-0-521-76043-0, Paperback 9780521760430. An eBook. A Portugese translation by Alessandra Siedschlag, Francisco de Assis História e herança, Editora Santuário, Aparecida, São Paulo, Brazil, 2015, ISBN 978-85-369-0409-2.
The English province of the Franciscans (1224-c.1350), ed.M.J.P.Robson, The Medieval Franciscans, 14, Brill (Leiden, 2017), pp. i-xxx, 1-416. ISBN 978-90-04-33161-7, An E-book.
Co-edited volumes
Canterbury Studies in Franciscan History, I, ed.M.J.P.Robson and J.Röhrkasten, (Canterbury, 2008), ISBN 978-0-9549272-1-9.
Franciscan Organisation in the Mendicant Context: Formal and informal structures of the friars’ lives and ministry in the Middle Ages, ed.M.J.P.Robson and J.Röhrkasten, Vita Regularis, 44 (Münster, 2010), pp.i-xxiii, 1-414, ISBN 9783643108203.
Insanity and Divinity: Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Studies in Psychosis and Spirituality, ed.J.Gale, M.J.P.Robson and G.Rapsomatioti, Routledge, Studies in Psychosis and Spirituality (London, 2013). ISBN 978-0-415-60861-9
The Franciscan Order in the Medieval English Province and Beyond, ed.M.J.P.Robson and P.N.R.Zutshi, Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West (Amsterdam University Press, 2018). ISBN 978-94-6298-647-3.
Testimony, Narrative and Image: Studies in Medieval and Franciscan History, Hagiography and Art in memory of Rosalind B.Brooke, eds.M.F.Cusato and M.J.P.Robson, The Medieval Franciscans, 20, Brill (Leiden, 2022), ISBN 978-90-04-50375-5