Professor Robert (Bob) White, FRS
Bob White is Emeritus Professor of Geophysics at Cambridge University and a trustee and Emeritus Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, originally founded in St Edmund’s College, Cambridge in 2006. He studied Geology as an undergraduate at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and stayed to do research for a PhD in marine geophysics, which he completed in 1977. Since then he has been mostly in Cambridge, though with research interests around the world. He was elected a Fellow of St. Edmund’s College in 1988. In 1989 he was elected Professor of Geophysics, in 1994 a Fellow of the Royal Society, in 2016 a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, and in 2018 was awarded a Gold Medal of The Royal Astronomical Society for his research. His research interests include a wide variety of topics to do with how the earth works, with particular emphasis in recent years on the way in which molten rock is generated beneath the earth’s major rift zones, and then stored in magma chambers in the crust before being erupted from volcanoes. Much of his current fieldwork is in Iceland.
He lectures and writes widely on science and Christian faith and believes that they are two ways of looking at the same world which give a richer and deeper view of it than either on their own. He is President of the charity Christians in Science, and Vice-President of the John Ray Initiative, a Christian environmental charity.